Gulliver travel to LOMA

Gulliver could finally make its traditionnal travel this September, after a first attempt cancelled because of the sanitary crisis related to COVID. It is hard to describe how delightful it was to see again colleagues in real, exchange with students and collaborators. Thanks to all the LOMA people, who really made this moment an exceptional one.


See also...

Antoine Masurier joins the lab as postdoctoral researcher

We welcome Antoine who decided to stay with us as post-doc after his PhD at Gulliver. Antoine works on the project METHYLPLEX in Yannick (...) 

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Vincent Bertin receives the Jean Langlois prize for research dissemination

The Jean Langlois foundation co-awards Julien Es Sayed (former PhD student at the SIMM lab) and Vincent Bertin, PhD student at Gulliver to the (...) 

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