Gulliver travel to Amsterdam (UVA and AMOLF)

As every two years, Gulliver travels and visits a lab of close collaborators.
This year we went to the University of Amsterdam (UVA) and the AMOLF Research Institute. This was a unique opportunity for the 45-person Gulliver team to discover Amsterdam, share their research, present their work and create synergies.


See also...

Vincent Bertin receives the Jean Langlois prize for research dissemination

The Jean Langlois foundation co-awards Julien Es Sayed (former PhD student at the SIMM lab) and Vincent Bertin, PhD student at Gulliver to the (...) 

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Hedi Karoui joins Gulliver as postdoctoral researcher

Post-doc Hedi Karoui has joined Gulliver to work on Micro RNA detection with micro fluidics droplets, in Guillaume Gines’s (...) 

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