Information and stochastic dynamics
In recent years, we have witnessed an impressive accumulation of fundamental developments in non-equilibrium statistical physics, which have deepened our understanding of fluctuations. We study how to quantify whether fluctuations are rare or not, what is their information content and their deep link to thermodynamics. On a more applied level, the need to extract relevant information from non-equilibrium fluctuations becomes particularly important for applications to biology.
Fluctuations and information in chemical networks
A case study of thermodynamic bounds for chemical kinetics, K. Proesmans, L. Peliti and D. Lacoste, in "Chemical kinetics beyond the textbook", World Scientific Publishers (2019)
Stochastic dynamics
Driven probe under harmonic confinement in a colloidal bath, V. Démery and É. Fodor, J. Stat. Mech. 2019, 033202 (2019)
Linking lineage and population observables in biological branching processes, R. Garcia-Garcia, A. Genthon and D. Lacoste, Phys. Rev. E, 042413 (2019)
Progressive quenching: Globally coupled model, Bruno Ventéjou and Ken Sekimoto Phys. Rev. E 97, 062150 (2018)
Time dependence of advection-diffusion coupling for nanoparticle ensembles, A. Vilquin, V. Bertin, P. Soulard, G. Guyard, E. Raphaël, F. Restagno, T. Salez, J. McGraw (2020)
Stochastic thermodynamics
An ordered set of power-efficiency trade-offs, H. Vroylandt, D. Lacoste and G. Verley, J. Stat. Mech., 054002 (2019)
Stochastic Energetics
Lecture Notes in Physics vol. 799, Ken Sekimoto, Springer (2010)
Vincent DÉMERY | webpage | Google Scholar |
David LACOSTE | webpage | Google Scholar |
Ken SEKIMOTO | webpage | Google Scholar |