Hedi Karoui joins Gulliver as postdoctoral researcher

Post-doc Hedi Karoui has joined Gulliver to work on Micro RNA detection with micro fluidics droplets, in Guillaume Gines’s team.


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PHD Defense - Claire Doré - 15/12/2022 - Active nematic films under confinement: harnessing topological defects, shaping active flows and designing autonomous microfluidic machines

Claire Doré’s PhD Defense will take place on: December 15th at 3pm Charpak amphitheater ESPCI 10 rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris Active nematic films (...) 

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Fée Sorrentino joins the lab as our new CNRS administrator

We welcome Fee, our new lab CNRS - administrator, who will take in charge all administrative tasks related to the CNRS. Fee joined Gulliver last (...) 

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