

1st year

 Linear systems, signals and noise, Vincent Démery.

 Mathematical methods (Presentation of a number of mathematical methods necessary for a good training in physics and chemistry), Élie Raphaël, Vincent Démery, Matthieu Labousse.

2nd year

 Mathematical methods, Vincent Démery, Matthieu Labousse.

 Fluid mechanics, Mathilde Reyssat.

 Mechanics of materials, Zorana Zeravcic.

3rd year

 Advanced Statistical Physics (basic knowledge of the fundamental concepts of equilibrium and non equilibrium statistical physics), Olivier Dauchot et Vincent Démery.

 Biophysics, David Lacoste.

At other universities:


 Ecole Polytechnique 2nd year : Soft matter, lab project, Mathilde Reyssat.

 Licence (Paris VII University): Physics, Ken Sekimoto.

Master 1

 Master 1 (Waseda University, Tokyo): Statistical physics outside equilibrium, Ken Sekimoto.

Master 2

 Master "Spécialité systèmes biologiques et concepts physiques" (Paris VII University) : Statistical physics of complex systems, David Lacoste.

 Master "Systèmes et Applications" (Paris VI University) : Supervision of digital projects, David Lacoste.

 Master 2 Physics, Lyon 1 University and ENS Lyon: Advanced methods in Soft matter courses (Presentation of a number of concepts, especially statistical physics, in order to understand the statics and dynamics of soft matter), Élie Raphaël.

 Master 2 (FIP-ED) : Advanced methods of stochastic dynamics and energetics, Ken Sekimoto.
